

Thursday, 30 September 2021




Set out below is a summary of the decisions taken at the Executive meeting held on Thursday, 30 September 2021.  The wording used does not necessarily reflect the actual wording that will appear in the minutes.


Members are reminded that, should they wish to call in a decision, notice must be given to Democracy Support Group no later than 4pm on the second working day after this meeting.


If you have any queries about any matters referred to in this decision sheet please contact FionaYoung.



6.               Preparations for Welfare Winter Planning and Support


Resolved:  (i)      That the continued impacts of the pandemic on financially vulnerable members of York’s communities as many government covid welfare schemes come to an end, and the full range of activities planned by the council and partners to support residents during the forthcoming winter, be noted.


                   (ii)      That the £1m covid emergency funding identified by the Executive at the start of the pandemic, and how this has been distributed, be noted.


                   (iii)     That, in relation to holiday Free School Meal vouchers, £150k funding from the York Financial Assistance Scheme Emergency Fund reserve be approved to cover the school holidays in the current financial year to February Half Term (excluding the week at Christmas covered by Holiday Activities and Food Programme Funding).


                   (iv)    That the subject of school holiday food provision be referred to the Children, Education & Communities Policy and Scrutiny Committee for them to consider the effectiveness, impact and funding of the voucher scheme alongside other grassroots community-based provision and other schemes to address the impact of food poverty; this work could also inform further formal responses back to the Department for Education.


                   (v)     That approval be given to fund the following schemes for one year from existing YFAS emergency funds as outlined in paragraphs 34-39 and 41 of the report:

·       Early Support Fund, at an additional cost of £20k;

·       Early intervention for residents in debt, at a cost of £35k;

·       £100% Digital York Project Co-ordinator, at a cost of £23,220.


Reason:     To acknowledge the ongoing financial impacts of the pandemic on residents, recognise the ending of a number of related government support schemes, consider mitigations and increase awareness of developing council plans to support residents in debt and in difficulty meeting their day to day living expenses.




7.               York & North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership – Safer Roads Strategy


Resolved:  (i)      That the York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership: Roads Strategy at Annex A to the report be endorsed.


Reason:     To ensure the effective coordination and delivery of road safety measures and initiatives across the city.


                   (ii)      That officers be directed to review the proposed processes and governance arrangements to ensure that the road safety concerns of local residents and councillors are adequately addressed in the prioritisation of resources across the partners.


                   (ii)      That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Place (in consultation with the Director of Governance or her delegated officers) to take such steps as are necessary to enter into the resulting agreement.


Reason:     To ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place to allocate road safety resources to local priorities.




8.               York Outer Ring Road (YORR) – Phase 1 Dualling – Evaluation of the Consultation Process and Resolution to Submit a Planning Application


Resolved:  (i)      That the general progress on the YORR Phase 1 Dualling Scheme be noted.


                   (ii)      That the outcome of the public engagement process be approved.


Reason:     To confirm that Members have been informed of the decisions set out in the report, and for consideration in future decision-making.


                   (iii)     That the proposed revisions shown in Annex B to the report be accepted, and that the design changes listed below be approved to be taken forward in a planning application:

a)   The provision of pedestrian and cycle crossing facilities at the     junction of Wigginton Road with the A1237 to improve safety and access for active travel around the roundabout and to link into local services and amenities located north east of the intersection.

b)   The provision of a safeguarded route for a future 1.1km length of orbital pedestrian/cycle route from Strensall Road junction to Monks Cross roundabout.

c)   Diversion of Bridleway no. 4 at Huntington and provision of a Pegasus Crossing at Monks Cross junction.

d)   Design and development amendments regarding noise and environmental mitigation. (These modifications to the consulted scheme have been made as a matter of course since the engagement process).

e)   Realignment of dualling from land to the north of the existing carriageway to the south side extending in a north westerly direction from Little Hopgrove roundabout for approximately 750m.


Reason:     To enable a design freeze so that the scheme can be finalised in order to maintain programme and progress to the next stage.


                   (iv)    That approval be given for the project team to submit a planning application based on the revised scheme attached at Annex B, and that authority be delegated to the Director of Transport, Environment and Planning to agree any minor amendments that may be required to the design which have a minimum cost impact, noting in particular the flexibility available regarding the position of the Wigginton Road crossing facilities, as highlighted at the meeting.


Reason:     To enable submission of the planning application, in order to seek planning approval and maintain progress on the programme.




9.               Haxby Station – Update and Land Acquisition


Resolved:  (i)      That the progress made to date concerning a potential new rail station at Haxby be noted.


                   (ii)      That the addition of the Department for Transport grant of £400k to progress the Haxby Station project be approved, that the scheme be included in the Capital Programme 2021/22 and that authority be delegated to the Director of Place (in consultation with the Director of Governance or her delegated officers) to take such steps as are necessary to enter into the resulting agreement.


                   (iii)     That approval be given to acquire the freehold interest comprising 6.8 acres of land within the area of Haxby, as detailed in exempt Annex A, and to establish a budget of £250k to fund the purchase and associated acquisition costs.


                   (iv)    That approval be given to vire £250k from the Highways budget to fund the land purchase.


                   (v)     That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Member for Transport, to take such steps as are necessary to complete the purchase once all due diligence has been satisfactorily conducted on the land.


Reason:     To afford City of York Council the best opportunity to progress this project and present the strongest case possible to Central Government (the Department for Transport and the Treasury) for their anticipated grant of funding to enable the full delivery of a new rail station at Haxby.

